exclusively Cindy PRESENTS

THE audit

Celebrating your brand by uncovering missed opportunities and optimizing your social media for impactful growth.

You want your social media efforts to translate into real growth and engagement but don't know where to start.

You aim to capture every opportunity to connect with your audience, expand your reach, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

You desire to turn your social media fans into loyal customers who drive your business forward.


Cindy was able to help me see things from different perspectives, more so from a business perspective. Her wisdom and insight on social media and marketing was extremely helpful. The input she provided me regarding things to look at and change was a game changer. Things I would’ve never thought of.

Debbie T.

My outside in view is key

Having an "outside in" viewpoint is crucial for uncovering the hidden potential of your social media presence. When you're deeply involved in your business, it's easy to overlook areas that might be misaligned or unclear. That's where my fresh perspective comes in. 

I analyze your social media with an unbiased eye, identifying missed opportunities and ensuring your copy is perfectly aligned with your brand's message. This external review is essential for spotting gaps and optimizing your content to engage and convert your audience effectively.

Limited audits available


Was $125

exclusive pricing ends soon

What does an audit entail?


Sign Up: Choose our Instagram audit and fill out a form with your business details, account goals, and any problems you are experiencing.


Profile Analysis: Then I'll head over to Instagram, view your account, and screen record in real-time as I provide feedback on your bio, profile picture, and overall aesthetics.


Content Review: With a fresh perspective, I'll assess the quality, consistency, and engagement of your posts, including your highlights. I'll provide feedback based on both my observations and the information you shared in your form.


Engagement and Captions: I'll analyze your likes, comments, and overall community engagement, and review your captions, offering real-time insights and feedback to ensure they are effective and engaging.


Strategy and Aesthetics: I'll offer suggestions for improving the visual appeal of your content and refining your strategic approach, ensuring that your overall aesthetic aligns with your brand and goals.


Personalized Audit Video: Receive an email with a link to a comprehensive Loom video of my audit, complete with insights and actionable recommendations. You can keep this video and refer back to it as many times as needed to guide your ongoing improvements.


Actionable Implementation: Hit the ground running with fresh ideas and an outside perspective of potential changes to make to your account, setting you up for immediate and impactful improvements.

If we join forces, you’ll be able to

Make your mark

Don’t keep your message quiet or allow your brand to blend into the crowd. Make an unforgettable statement with your content.


 Hit the ground running with actionable insights and fresh insight to elevate your account.

Be the buzz

Be the irresistible topic of everyone's conversation. Enhance your profile's visual appeal and strategic alignment.

Over 200 million Instagram users visit at least ONE business profile daily. 

If your account isn’t compelling, you’re losing out on a massive audience.



The input Cindy provided me regarding things to look at and change on our website and social, was a game changer.


Cindy truly knows her stuff, and working with her is a positively enriching experience.


After the Instagram audit, it was a game changer. Cindy's outside-in approach made everything clear and actionable, even for beginners.

Cindy Gordon

Business coach

My journey as a business expert is rooted in the innovative "outside-in" approach, where I prioritize understanding my audience's needs and perspectives to shape effective strategies. As a media company owner, I've honed this methodology across a diverse portfolio, managing up to five content sites simultaneously. Each site was not only a testament to my ability to generate compelling content but also a platform to engage with a wide audience. Running social media for each brand, I strategically built a loyal and engaged community.


One of my standout achievements is growing a single brand's following to over 1 million fans. This milestone exemplifies my expertise in creating resonant content and fostering authentic connections. By combining a deep understanding of audience dynamics with a keen eye for market trends, I’ve consistently driven growth and engagement. Whether you’re looking to expand your brand’s reach or connect more meaningfully with your audience, my "outside-in" approach offers a proven path to success.

Your Instagram presence is only as powerful as the content that accompanies your message.

I've always been fascinated by human behavior and captivated by the unique stories behind each business and individual I work with. By truly understanding their journeys and challenges, I can see their true potential. It's through their strategies and actions in the market that I capture the essence of their story and uncover the opportunities waiting to be realized.


I feel most alive when I have the chance to coach strong entrepreneurs who are overcoming adversity and embracing their authentic selves in their business pursuits. Using my expertise, I help bring their narratives to life, guiding them to transform their visions into reality and achieve lasting success.